The Lair of Antharas
Giran TerritoryОпис локації
The Lair of Antharas is a network of intricate caves teeming with a variety of monsters. A cruel undead has settled inside, coming out of the caves at night and roaming the plain. It’s not for nothing that these caves are called Antharas’ Lair. Once upon a time, when Einhasad unleashed her wrath on Shillen and her children, Antharas, one of the six dragons (namely, the Earth Dragon) fell wounded into these catacombs. Here he healed his wounds, feeding on his own lower relatives - small drakes and dragons, whose skeletons can still be seen inside. There are rumors that the Earth Dragon has awakened again, and now a research group is gathering in the city of Giran, ready to accept any help.