Название | Дистанция | MP/HP |
Призвать Порочного1 УровеньSummons a Corrupted Man out of a corpse. Requires 3 Crystals: D-Grade. 90% of acquired Exp will be consumed. | 40 | 70/0 |
Призвать Порочного2 УровеньSummons a Corrupted Man out of a corpse. Requires 3 Crystals: D-Grade. 90% of acquired Exp will be consumed. | 40 | 87/0 |
Призвать Порочного3 УровеньSummons a Corrupted Man out of a corpse. Requires 3 Crystals: D-Grade. 90% of acquired Exp will be consumed. | 40 | 103/0 |
Призвать Порочного4 УровеньSummons a Corrupted Man out of a corpse. Requires 3 Crystals: D-Grade. 90% of acquired Exp will be consumed. | 40 | 115/0 |
Призвать Порочного5 УровеньSummons a Corrupted Man out of a corpse. Requires 3 Crystals: D-Grade. 90% of acquired Exp will be consumed. | 40 | 123/0 |
Призвать Порочного6 УровеньSummons a Corrupted Man out of a corpse. Requires 3 Crystals: D-Grade. 90% of acquired Exp will be consumed. | 40 | 130/0 |